Isn’t it ironic how we live in a society that worked on its sex positivity by replacing it with “vanilla-shaming”? Kink-shaming is finally out of style and frowned upon. However, it appears vanilla-shaming has taken its place. After decades of feminists campaigning for equal rights for women, fictional...

The wheels of the airliner screeched against the runway, bounced and then screeched again. The sudden pressure of the stop tightened the seatbelts against the waists of the travelers.  Mrs. Mower startled awake in the cramped seat, her hips aching where the armrests had pressed into...

Do you have a vivid imagination? Or in the words of the great Rihanna “Wild, wild thoughts”? You’re not alone. Sexual fantasies are completely normal. They’re the merging of the subconscious world of desire, your libido, and your imagination.  You may have sexual fantasies that you have no...